However, there is a draw back there, since you begin and end the game as a badass alien hunter in a super powered nano-suit there isn’t much to be found in the way of progression or a character arc. Okay, maybe that last bit isn’t that impressive since every first person shooter’s protagonist has been able to withstand nonstop barrages of lead since 2001 but the nano-suit still makes you feel like a badass alien hunter. It also provides some moments of sheer ridiculousness as you kick cars into enemies, turn invisible before their eyes and absorb bullet after bullet. The suit enhances your abilities beyond the limits of human potential granting exceptional strength, speed, as well as stealth and armor abilities to keep you alive. As the entity known as Prophet you are essentially a one-man army, the most advanced tactical warfare machine known to man. There is one element that is and always has been the focus of the gameplay found in the Crysis series and that is the nano-suit. Things are hardly what they seem and as Prophet you’ll uncover the true motivations of the CELL corporation and unlock the true potential of the nano-suit in this whacky yet pretty sci-fi shooter. This time around the bright lights of the city that never sleeps have been dimmed by the evil CELL corporation and their “Liberty Dome” a biosphere erected to keep the alien race known as the “Ceph” from destroying the planet. It’s the city so nice the series has visited twice. Crysis 3 again has players nano-suiting it up as series protagonist “Prophet” returns to New York City 23 years after the events of Crysis 2. One of the prettiest shooter franchises in modern memory is back for another high jumping, car kicking, cloaking good time.